Benchmarking Report

Bicycling and Walking in The United States

Report on Bicycling and Walking in the US

The League's Data Hub provides ongoing and updated data on bicycling and walking in the United States.

On this website, we invite you to explore data on bicycling and walking and use that data to support your efforts to improve bicycling and walking. Whether your interest is related to safety, commuting, public health, or policy we have data that can provide context and comparisons for your community.

Updates The Latest News and Data

New Resource: Setting Speed Limits for Health and Safety

[this was originally posted on the League of American Bicyclists blog during National Public Health …

Apr 8, 2024

New data and competing narratives: A look at Census and Streetlight data

A recent article by Outside magazine highlighted the different data and competing narratives in recent …

Oct 19, 2023
Insights, New Data - Federal, New Data - State

Census Data shows Biking and Walking to Work Bouncing Back

Earlier this month the Census Bureau released its 2022 1-year estimates for the American Community …

Sep 27, 2023
New Data - City, New Data - Federal, New Data - State

New Data On Shared Micromobility Shows Growth Of E-Scooters, Success Of Large Cities

Shared Micromobility has grown and changed significantly in the last decade. According to data from …

Aug 14, 2023

How To Use This Site

There are more than 100 charts, tables, and graphs available on the Data Hub. The data is structured around three types of geographies: National, State, and City and eight subject areas. Each chart provides the opportunity to download its underlying data, identifies its data source, and, if possible, allows sorting and searching.

We envision this site as a one-stop shop for publicly available data on bicycling and walking that makes it easy for the public to interact with and use data to make the case for improvements to biking and walking. Our reports section provides context for the data and drill down into issues where data can be improved. We hope you enjoy the site and find it helpful to your efforts to create healthier and safer places to bike and walk.

data chart

Recent Data Explore Recent Data

Discover the latest information and statistics about transportation funding, healthy communities, traffic safety, infrastructure, transportation governance, equity, legislation, and more.

Published Reports benchmarking reports on cycling, walking and transportation

Want to learn more or dive deeper into the stats? Explore our reports, a collaboration between the League of American Bicyclists and the CDC’s Active People, Healthy Nation initiative. This ongoing project can inform your next letter to the editor about a new bike lane, support your advocacy at the state level, or help you make the case for better biking with your city council.

Family on bikes

Featured Report Federal Transportation Funding

Discover the latest information and statistics about transportation funding, healthy communities, traffic safety, infrastructure, transportation governance, equity, legislation, and more.

Learn More Other Reports

Click below to view and download PDF reports.

2018 Benchmarking Report on Bicycling and Walking in the United States

Reconnecting to the New Majority

Benchmarking Bike Networks

Active People Healthy Nation logo

Principal funding for this report was provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Active People, Healthy Nation initiativeSM. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

Additional funding for this report has been provided by AARP, Toole Design Group, and the League of American Bicyclists.