Topic: Federal Transportation Funding

TAP Contract Authority

On this page, you will find new resources on important funding programs for biking and walking improvements and sections that take a deeper dive into the context of governance and funding in transportation funding.

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Topic: Healthy Communities

Graph of physical activity and mortality

On this page, you will find data and resources about the connections between bicycling, walking, and health. This includes how community actions to promote bicycling and walking are related to physical activity promotion.

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Topic: Traffic Safety

On this page, you will find data and resources on traffic safety, with a focus on the safety of people who bike and walk.

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Topic: Strong Economies

On this page, you will find data and resources on the interactions between bicycling and walking, economic development, and incentives for biking and walking to work.

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Topic: Connected Routes

On this page, you will find data and resources about transportation system goals. Specifically, this topic looks at mobility – the fast movement of people over longer distances – and connectivity or accessibility – moving people within a community.

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Topic: Infrastructure for Physical Activity

On this page, you will find data and resources that explore how and whether infrastructure for bicycling and walking is provided. This includes the types of people served by infrastructure and how the Benchmarking Project has tracked infrastructure over time.

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Topic: Effective Transportation Governance

On this page, you will find data and resources that look at the governance of agencies related to transportation planning, construction, operation, and maintenance. This includes a detailed look at several federal funding programs.

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Topic: Laws to Promote Bicycling & Walking

On this page, you will find data and resources that explore the effects of traffic laws and enforcement on bicycling and walking. This includes recent developments of traffic laws meant to protect people who bike and walk.

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Topic: Funding and Financing Transportation

On this page, you will find data and resources about increases in federal funding for biking and walking projects, state systems for financing and funding projects, local efforts to boost spending on biking and walking, and challenges to funding biking and walking projects.

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Topic: Engaged Public

On this page, you will find data and resources about who is involved in promoting bicycling and walking, how institutions engage citizens in transportation decision-making, and city and state goals related to biking and walking.

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Topic: Equity

On this page, you will find data and resources on socioeconomic and other characteristics of people who bike, walk, and work on bicycling- and walking-related issues.

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