New Data – Federal

Highlights From The 50th Edition Of National Transportation Statistics

By Ken Mcleod | March 8, 2023
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The National Transportation Statistics (NTS) is a collection of transportation data first published in November 1971. This year is its 50th publication and commemorative editions are available from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The NTS is a unique collection of transportation statistics going beyond surface transportation and including all sorts of topics, including air travel,…

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New State Transportation Alternatives Funding Fact Sheets

By Ken Mcleod | January 26, 2023
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The League of American Bicyclists and the Safe Routes Partnership partnered to review each state’s Transportation Alternatives process and create fact sheets with important data on each state’s process. Please check out our new fact sheets and other resources about accessing federal funds for active transportation. The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) provides roughly $1.3 Billion each year for safety…

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First Federal Data On Pandemic-Era Bike Commuting

By Ken Mcleod | September 15, 2022
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The story of commuting to work during the Covid-19 pandemic is one of disruption. As we socially distanced, shifted to remote work, and followed public health guidance, many people found new ways to work – most often from home. With the release of 1-year estimates on how people commuted to work in 2021 from the…

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Data On Data.Bikeleague.Org Easier To Use Than Ever

By Ken Mcleod | August 11, 2022
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There is a lot of data on If you’re looking for a quick overview of bicycling and walking in your city or state, our fact sheets are a great place to start. They are available for all 50 states, and 76 cities that represent the 50 most populous cities in the United States, the…

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Physical Inactivity And Public Health

By Ken Mcleod | March 8, 2022
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Being active offers immediate benefits like feeling better and sleeping better. It also offers long-term benefits in the form of disease prevention, with research suggesting that meeting federal physical activity guidelines could prevent 1 in 15 cases of heart disease. Physical activity guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week and at least two days of…

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No New Biking And Walking Commute Data For 2020

By Ken Mcleod | January 6, 2022
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Each September usually sees the release of the American Community Survey (ACS), which provides the only annual estimate by a federal agency of how much bicycling and walking is happening in the United States. With the Covid-19 pandemic disrupting so many aspects of life, it also disrupted ACS data collection by the Census Bureau. Rather…

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Updated Federal Funding Data

By Ken Mcleod | February 5, 2021
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The Benchmarking Project’s data on federal funding for biking and walking have been updated. Data on the use of federal transportation funds provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) shows a decrease in funds spent on biking and walking in 2020 compared to 2019. While the overall trend for the last decade broadly shows more…

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Updated Data On Physical Activity

By Ken Mcleod | January 12, 2021
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The Covid-19 pandemic has shined a harsh light on the danger of underlying conditions that leave people vulnerable to diseases. Many of the underlying conditions associated with poor outcomes, up to and including death, from Covid-19 are chronic conditions that research shows can be addressed through physical activity. Places where people bike and walk to work tend…

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State Safety Targets Show Need For Congress To Further Prioritize Safety

By Ken Mcleod | November 17, 2020
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The following blog post is co-authored and published in partnership with the National Complete Streets Coalition, a non-profit, non-partisan alliance of public interest organizations and transportation professionals committed to the development and implementation of Complete Streets policies and practices and a program of Smart Growth America. Transportation policy can take a long time. In 2012, Congress passed…

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Updated Data On Commuting

By Ken Mcleod | October 26, 2020
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The League of American Bicyclists is excited to launch today. This new portal allows the public to easily access data compiled by the League’s Benchmarking Project, enabling comparisons on a variety of biking and walking data from multiple federal, state, and local agency sources. Visit the League’s new Data Portal to explore the numbers on people biking and…

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