Fast Facts: New Fact Sheets Help Highlight Health Data

In order to understand how your city or state can get more people safely and easily biking, walking and rolling to everyday destinations, and therefore get more people physically active, it is important to know what biking and walking data exists for your city or state. Today, the League is publishing fact sheets on biking and walking for each of the 50 states and 76 cities. This is part of the League’s Benchmarking Project to report and analyze public data about biking and walking, all found at, so active transportation advocates and local leaders can access and use data on their cities or states.

Our new State and City Fact Sheets aggregate data from the Census Bureau, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Federal Highway Administration and other sources to provide a quick reference and easy to access overview of biking and walking data.

Find your State or City Fact Sheet today:

The Benchmarking Project at tracks public data on bicycling and walking in the United States, for all 50 states, the 50 largest cities in the United States, the largest city in each state, and all Platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Communities to serve as benchmarks of excellence. Key goals of the Benchmarking Project are:

  1. Promoting Data Collection & Availability,
  2. Measuring Progress & Evaluating Results,
  3. Supporting Efforts to Increase Bicycling & Walking,
  4. Making the Health Connection, and
  5. Strengthening the Network of Partners for Biking & Walking

Our new city and state fact sheets aggregate key data points in an easily shareable format, highlight proven strategies for increasing biking and walking based on federal research, feature key actions in support of increasing biking and walking, show the connection between physical activity and the built environment, and spotlight how cities and states engage with potential partners such as the Road to Zero Coalition and local groups.

We hope these Fact Sheets are useful to advocates, decisionmakers, and people looking for facts about biking and walking in the United States. To find more data and dive into